Leijona GP

- The weather conditions weren't perfect but at least there was no pouring rain.
The winner of women's elite was Laura Vainionpää from Team Medilaser,
who managed easily to drive in the bunch even on this tough course.
Men's race drove together with M-40 in the biggest start of the day.
Veteran cyclist Sami Hiltunen from Lahden Pyöräilijät escaped from others and was clearly the fastest of the start.
In the main group's finishing sprint Johan Nordlund from Kaupin Kanuunat was the strongest and won the men' race class.
In men's elite the speed was up right from the start and drivers started to drop from the main group .
Jussi Veikkanen, professional rider in the FDJ.fr team, seemd to enjoy torturing his fellow riders by keeping the pace hard
and sprinting on the climb on every lap.
Finally there were only Veikkanen and the winner of the previous Leijona GP, Samuel Pökälä from TWD-Länken driving in the front group.
Veikkanen ja Pökälä worked together and even managed to lap the main group before the finish.
In the final climb Veikkanen sprinted harder and won the race.
Pökälä was second and to the third place drove Sasu Halme from Team Medilaser.
All results
- The 3rd Leijona GP will be held again this year after a year off.
More information about the race will be available later on these pages.